ประสิทธิภาพการดำเนินงานของบริษัทจดทะเบียนในตลาดหลักทรัพย์แห่งประเทศไทย โดยใช้แบบจำลอง Data Envelopment Analysis กรณีศึกษาหมวดธุรกิจเกษตร

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ประภัสสร วารีศรี
สุบรรณ เอี่ยมวิจารณ์


     The purpose of this research was to study operational efficiency of 5 listed companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand of Agribusiness Sector using data from the 2015 Annual Report of listed companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach based on input-oriented models was used to analyze operational efficiency values. The findings showed that of all the 5 listed companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand of Agribusiness Sector, 1 or 20% of them was found achieving operational efficiency. Average efficiency scores based on the assumed ‘constant return to scale’ (CRS) and the assumed ‘variable return to scale’ (VRS) were 0.53 and 0.69, and average scale  efficiency was 0.70.

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บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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