Causal Factors Affecting Medical Revisit Intentions of Foreign Medical Tourists in the Southern Region

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Darin Rungklin
Kanon Trichan
Idsaratt Rinthaisong


Medical tourism is highly revenue-generating tourism. This is because medical tourists are a high paying segment. The purpose of this research was to study the causal model of perceived quality of medical services and satisfaction that affects the intention to revisit the services of foreign medical tourists in the southern region. The questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data. The instruments used had Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient of all 3 variables between .815-.945. Data were collected by determining the samples according to the structural equation analysis principle with a group of 255 foreign medical tourists. Descriptive statistical data analysis describe the characteristics of the sample. Data were analyzed according to objectives and assumptions using structural equation modeling analysis. The results of the study concluded that quality perception medical service and satisfaction had a direct correlation with the willingness to revisit. The satisfaction was a transmission variable between perceived quality of medical services and intention to revisit the service. The results of the research confirm that if medical providers have a way to create awareness of service quality and make customers satisfied this will definitely lead to the intention to revisit the services. Policy recommendations that service providers must continuously maintain service quality standards. It should cooperate with tourism-related networks to prepare for the development of medical tourism. In addition, the value derived from this research is the development of research tools using an exploratory component analysis approach. Confirmatory component analysis is for those who are interested to use as a guideline for further studies.

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How to Cite
Rungklin, D., Trichan, K., & Rinthaisong, I. (2023). Causal Factors Affecting Medical Revisit Intentions of Foreign Medical Tourists in the Southern Region. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 10(1), 27–56. retrieved from
Research Article


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