Contemporary Marketing Mix Factors Affecting User in Chonburi Province Intention to Use Smartphone Food Ordering Apps During COVID-19 Pandemic

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Kriangsak Vanitchakornpong
Nipapan Ananpalasak


The covid-19 epidemic situation has brought changes to people's lifestyles. Food delivery applications (FDA) are now trending in the marketplace and more and more application providers are emerging in the food industry. Therefore, the research purpose of this study is to analyze the contemporary marketing mix (7C’s) factors affecting users in Chonburi province intention to use smartphone Food Ordering Apps during COVID-19 pandemic. This study was quantitative research and used questionnaires as tools for data collection from a sample consisting of 400 food delivery service users in Chonburi Province through online survey. The methodology of this study was the quantitative method by descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. The findings showed that consumer’s personal factors do not influence the choice of Food Ordering Applications. the majority of users choose GrabFood, followed by LineMan. Contemporary marketing mix (7C’s) factors affecting users in Chonburi province intention to use Food Ordering Applications during COVID-19 pandemic had a multiple correlation coefficient (R) 0.307. Considering each factor, it was found that the Caring factor influence users intention to use Food Ordering Applications the most gif.latex?\fn_jvn&space;\beta&space;=0.059 (Sig = 0.001), follow by “Comfort factor”  gif.latex?\fn_jvn&space;\beta&space;=-0.035 (Sig = 0.007) statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Customer value factor, Cost factor, Convenience factor, Communication factor and Completion factor do not influence user in Chonburi province intention to use Food Ordering Applications during COVID-19 pandemic.

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How to Cite
Vanitchakornpong, K. ., & Ananpalasak, N. (2023). Contemporary Marketing Mix Factors Affecting User in Chonburi Province Intention to Use Smartphone Food Ordering Apps During COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 10(2), 359–376. retrieved from
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