The Analysis of Supply Chain of Processed Mangosteen Products by SCOR Model: A Case Study of Ban Khlong Nam Khem Community Enterprise’s Mangosteen Cheese Cracker
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The goal of Ban Khlong Nam Khem Community Enterprise is to build a growing and sustainable business. This study aimed to investigate the business environment, the supply chain management structure, and the analysis of supply chains by using the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR Model). Data collection was through in-depth interviews with samples, seven informants, that included a chairperson and six members of the Ban Khlong Nam Khem Community Enterprise. They were invited to the in-depth interview sessions. The data were analyzed using SWOT Analysis, Supply Chain Management, and SCOR Model, respectively. The findings revealed that community enterprises have the strengths of accessing quality raw materials and community enterprise opportunities from both the public and private sectors. However, it still has management weaknesses and obstacles caused by changes in technology and economic conditions. For the supply chain structure, it finds that the community enterprise connects to the upstream and downstream business units, namely mangosteen gardener and consignment shops or end user. The community enterprise is positioned in the midstream. In an in-depth analysis with SCOR Model, the community enterprise should develop in terms of planning to cover their supply chain activities, especially operations and marketing. The limitations of this research are that small community enterprises lack access to cutting-edge knowledge and funding.The researcher proposes the government to play a role in the matching between small and large community enterprises for mutual benefit exchange. In this research, it can indicate the starting point of development that community enterprise should focus on. It reflects the overall picture of problems that arise in the community enterprise, which helps to have a clearer approach to community enterprise upgrading.
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