Relationship Between Service Quality, Satisfaction And Revisit Intention For International Airport In Thailand

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Theeraphan Sa-ngunwong
Phoommhiphat Pongpruttikul
Nimit Soonsan


Airport service quality has significantly become part of the guideline development plan for airports. However, airports provided service quality to different customers that affected different services. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between service quality, satisfaction and revisit intention for an international airport in Thailand. Moreover, the study was a quantitative study, and the samples were 250 passengers who came to the airport in Thailand. A questionnaire was used to collect the data and was analyzed by structural equation modelling.  The results show that service quality directly affected customer satisfaction and intention to use. Moreover, customer satisfaction was partially mediated on the relationship between service quality and intention to use. This research results provide information on service quality, satisfaction and revisit intention from passengers’perspectives. Airport management teams can use the research finding to improve service quality

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How to Cite
Sa-ngunwong, T. ., Pongpruttikul, P. ., & Soonsan, N. (2023). Relationship Between Service Quality, Satisfaction And Revisit Intention For International Airport In Thailand. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 10(2), 431–458. retrieved from
Research Article


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