The Strategy Of Customer Retentions Of Hospitality Which Has Halal Targets

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Siripat Chodchuang
Luliya Teeratansirikool
Papatpon Chualruangphan
Pongpatchara Tunno
Patchara Keawchay


Customer retention strategies are essential to all businesses, especially hotels and resorts. Therefore, this academic article was aimed to create intensive impressions for tourists who use services of hotels and resorts with the availability of a Halal system in the modern living and that the impressive feeling is strong enough to repeat their travel, without the thought of using the competitors' business. The result of global Muslim tourism index 2018 shows that, for Muslim tourists, the popularity of Thailand ranks second among non-Muslim countries. In order to maintain their customers, hotels and resources need to have attractive strategies which can be comprised of: 1) creating the features of customer relations towards the business; 2) building positive customer experience; and 3) constructing quality of service. The purpose of these strategies is not only a constant long term benefit for the hospitality business but also a cost reduction in the operation as well as the marketing. Maintaining the customers by offering Halal system in hotels and resorts makes the system become one of the highlights in the country tourism industry that, subsequently, the government has added to its policy to make Thailand the center of Halal service, not only in the Asian region but also the globe. Thus, the task of customer retention is important for hotels and resources with an availability of Halal system to sustainably grow.

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How to Cite
Chodchuang, S. ., Teeratansirikool, L. ., Chualruangphan, P. ., Tunno, P. ., & Keawchay, P. . (2023). The Strategy Of Customer Retentions Of Hospitality Which Has Halal Targets. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 10(2), 233–250. retrieved from
Academic Article


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