Measuring Customer Loyalty for Airline Business

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Pornapaktra Sakdaar
Chotima Chaiwongkeat


This article aims to propose factors measuring airline business customer loyalty. Prevalent previous research papers were systematically studied, analyzed and synthesized. From offering customer loyalty factors that are relevant to today's changing aviation business and by discussing factors that influence decisions and relationships with current airline trends the study found that a combination of attitude and behavior can be used to measure loyalty of airline passengers in 3 aspects: pre-flight service factor, in-flight service factors and post-flight service factor.

            The researcher suggests that Airline Customer Service Executives should find various measures in order to develop a comprehensive service. Focusing on customer service is more important, especially in the field of sales promotion in order to be in the most accordance with the behavior and attitude of the passengers.

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How to Cite
Sakdaar, P., & Chaiwongkeat, C. (2020). Measuring Customer Loyalty for Airline Business. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 7(1), 1–24. retrieved from
Academic Article


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