Project Evaluation: Guidelines and Recommendations for the Development Of the Herbal City, Suratthani, Thailand

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Siriporn Pengjan


The objective of this study is to evaluate the project and to suggest the development by the CIPPOIST - MODEL. In evaluating the results, it is found that 1) the project context is necessary, clear, no duplication with the project, both in address and following, and the mission of the various departments responsible. 2) Regarding the inputs, it is found that the budget, duration, materials, activities, and goals, there is consistency between the operation areas. 3) In the process, it is found that the efficiency, effectiveness of the use of resources are most useful. Evaluation of the project process on the timing of the project plan. Method of operation And the performance of various activities 4) In terms of production, it is found that both quantitative and qualitative indicators project output by activity outcome resulting from project production which the impact of project operations, both positive and negative Have coverage and 5) Success factors found that the responsible person has to understand the situation to study basic information before implementing the project. The project management team or personnel responsible for small activities. Conducting detailed project studies in-depth analysis both in terms of basic factors and various environments as well, affecting the success of the project

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How to Cite
Pengjan, S. (2021). Project Evaluation: Guidelines and Recommendations for the Development Of the Herbal City, Suratthani, Thailand. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 8(1), 81–106. retrieved from
Research Article


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