Performance Evaluation Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System to Manage the Logistics and Supply Chain Organic Products Community Enterprise Chanthaburi and Trat Province

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ชัยวิทย์ ถิระวณัฐพงศ์
Sakda Angwattanakit
Naroang Anuphan


This research aimed to study the form of implementing a resource planning system (ERP) to assist in the management of the logistics and supply chain of organic agricultural products of Chanthaburi community enterprise group and Trat province. The research team used qualitative research methods with close observation and in-depth interviews.

The results showed that operations in the supply chain management of agricultural products had spent 60 hours from the harvesting process to the final product. After studying the supply chain management process using the SCOR model (Supply Chain Operation-Reference Model) it could improve the supply chain relationship. The time-consuming process is reduced to only 50 hours. Problems and obstacles that occur within the supply chain were: 1) Restrictions on short product life; 2) Uncontrollable factors; 3) Factors from people; and 4) Trade barriers. Guidelines for improving the relationship of supply chain management include using a resource planning system (ERP) in accounting information system to help with the possibility of improving the relationship of supply chain management by reducing the time spent to deliver to the final consumer, making higher quality products, reducing waste, making more profit, and helping build a network of farmers to produce products in order to meet the needs of customers and be able to compete with competitors.

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How to Cite
ถิระวณัฐพงศ์ ช., Angwattanakit, S., & Anuphan, N. (2020). Performance Evaluation Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System to Manage the Logistics and Supply Chain Organic Products Community Enterprise Chanthaburi and Trat Province. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 7(2), 369–391. retrieved from
Research Article


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