The Motivation to use Gasohol of Private Car User's in Suratthani

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สิทธิศักดิ์ นิลกำแหง
นงเยาว์ เมืองดี


This research had the objectives to study the behavior and motivation of private car users in choosing gasohol as the fuel. The study’s random sample consisted of 396 private car users in Suratthani province, Thailand. Data were collected using questionnaires and analyzed using mean,percentage and standard deviation. The statistical tools used were Chi Square, t-test and F-test in cases where differences were found between groups. Scheffe’ test was used to analyze differences in pairs of means. The study showed brand confience on the petrol stations, which was a factor in choosing the type of fuel. Most of the respondents visited PTT service stations.Motivation to use gasohol was at a high level with regard to each marketing mix factor. The results indicated an overall motivation related to all the factors was at a high level. Comparing differences of motivation in using gasohol by personal factors; different gendershowed differences in an overall motivation in product, place, and marketing factors. Different average income showed differences in place. Car model choice showed difference in marketing factors affecting gasohol use related to different products. Other personal factors had no differences. The relationships between fuel use behaviorand personal factors of private car users in Suratthanifound that different personal factors were related to filing up petrol behavior. The relationships between knowledge and understanding of gasohol and fuel use behavior of private car users in Suratthani found that knowledge and understanding of gasohol related to filing up petrol behavior in term of choices of fuel. There was no relationship between other filing up petrol behavior. The differences of motivations in using gasohol divided by filing up petrol behavior found that the different frequency of filing up petrol behavior resulted in motivation in marketing level. Place is an important factor in creating motivation in using gasohol.Therefore, every petrol station should provide all type of gasohol in order to service user follow their needs which appropriate with their car models. The car company also should verify the safety in using gasohol for their products.

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How to Cite
นิลกำแหง ส., & เมืองดี น. (2018). The Motivation to use Gasohol of Private Car User’s in Suratthani. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 5(2), 175–204. retrieved from
Research Article