The Inflence of Perceived Service Quality on Fitness Membership Renewal of XYZ Fitness

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Pithoon Thanabordeekij


The purpose of this paper is to 1) study the service quality of XYZ Fitness by using SERVQUAL model; 2) and study the most inflential service quality dimension for renewal of membership at XYZ finess.

The methodology employed both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The qualitative approach was the compilation of a literature review, fild study, non-participatory observation and semi-structured interview. The SERVQUAL model has been adopted and adjusted to suit the service environment in finess industry. The service quality factors have been validated through confimatory factor analysis by using a data of 420 members. Also, these service quality factors have been specifid as a second - order factor that is determined by fist-order dimensions.

A 20 - item scale covering fie dimensions of the service quality found that the most important model suggests that membership renewal is most inflenced by the empathy dimension,followed by assurance, reliability, responsiveness, and tangible dimension, respectively. The results from both convergent and discriminant validity indicate the construct validity of this study model is supported. A second-order measurement model showed a good model fis with the following values: x2/df = 2.659, GFI = 0.908, AGFI = 0.876, CFI = 0.958, NFI = 0.934, RMR = 0.036, and RMSEA = 0.063. The result of this study would enable management in finess industry to achieve an effective and effiient integrated business planning with the aim to provide superior services for the member.

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How to Cite
Thanabordeekij, P. (2018). The Inflence of Perceived Service Quality on Fitness Membership Renewal of XYZ Fitness. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 5(2), 67–84. retrieved from
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