Agricultural Tourists’ use of information technology for tourism: Case study Suan Sala Arthit, Surat Thani Province

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เบญจมาภรณ์ คงชนะ
เรณุกา ขุนชำนาญ


This research aimed to study the information technology use of the agro-tourists. The research area was Suan Sala Artit, SuratThaniProvince. Questionnaires were used for collecting data from 400 tourists going to Suan Sala Artit, Surat Thani Province. Descriptive statistics and Chi-square were used for analyzing the quantitative data. The research results show that Suan Sala Artit disseminated the information through several channels consisting of website of Suan Sala Artit, Facebook page, Line, telephone, and e-mail. Most of the sample groupwere females aged 15 - 25 and educated witha bachelor degree and used the information technology to study the information of the agro-tourist attractions. They mostly used Smartphones and most information technology channels are available through Facebook. As for the relationship between general characteristics of tourists and the information technology use of the agro-tourists, the researcher found that general characteristics of tourists significantly correlated with the information technology use of the agro-tourists at the level of .05.

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How to Cite
คงชนะ เ., & ขุนชำนาญ เ. (2017). Agricultural Tourists’ use of information technology for tourism: Case study Suan Sala Arthit, Surat Thani Province. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 5(1), 145–166. retrieved from
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