The Perception of Rattanakos in Brand Image through Experience from the Rattanakosin Exhibition Hall of Thai Tourists

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กนกพร แดงวิจิตร


The objectives of this study on “The Perception of Rattanakosin Brand Image through Experience from the Rattanakosin Exhibition Hall of Thai Tourists” included to study experience of Thai tourists after visiting the Rattanakosin Exhibition Hall; to investigate the perception of Rattanakosin brand image after visiting the Rattanakosin Exhibition Hall; and to explore the relationship between experience and perception of Rattanakosin brand image after visiting the Rattanakosin Exhibition Hall of Thai tourists. This study adopted quantitative research collecting data from 200 Thai tourists aged 15 and above with questionnaire surveys. Schmitt’s (1999) Strategic Experiential Models was adopted as a research framework. It was found that, the average experience level in all five aspects after visiting the Rattanakosin Exhibition Hall was in the highest level. The top rank experience was FEEL experience, followed by SENSE experience and THINK experience. RELATE experience and ACT experience were rated in the high level. The perception of Rattanakosin brand image was in the highest level in all 3 aspects. The top rank brand image was arts, followed by history and culture. The experience after visiting the Rattanakosin Exhibition Hall in route 1 had relationship with Rattanakosin brand perception in the high level at the significant level of .01.

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How to Cite
แดงวิจิตร ก. (2019). The Perception of Rattanakos in Brand Image through Experience from the Rattanakosin Exhibition Hall of Thai Tourists. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 6(2), 349–368. retrieved from
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