Surveillance of Advertisement in Broadcast Media about Food, Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products.

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Ladawan Kaewseenual


This research has 3 objectives: 1) to create effective surveillance of advertisement broadcasted in the media on food, medicines and health products 2) to find out the exploited content and format of broadcasted advertisements especially for food, medicine and health care products in a media and 3) to give the policy recommended on supervision of advertisements broadcasted in the media. This research used a mixed methodology of both quantitative and qualitative methods. The instruments were a training workshop and focus group discussion. The quantitative research methodology was recording data by collecting the data from monitoring advertisements from the media. The samples were 82 persons selected by purposive samplings from 4 regions. The result was the process to create the effective network called “the classic model”; advertising of health products washigh and the most popular types of advertising was using a spot between most programs.

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How to Cite
Kaewseenual, L. (2016). Surveillance of Advertisement in Broadcast Media about Food, Pharmaceutical and Health Care Products. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 3(2), 71–92. retrieved from
Research Article