Food Consumption Behavior of Students in Suratthani Province

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มโนลี ศรีเปารยะ เพ็ญพงษ์


This research aimed to study food consumption behavior.The relationship between demography factor and food consumption behavior and relationship between food consumption behavior and health of students in Suratthani Province. Data were collected from students sample of 400 samples using questionnaires. The study took food consumption behavior of students showed that most students three meals a day; breakfast, lunch and dinner at the average of 3.673 The second was purchased by the cleanliness of the restaurant and food the seller rather than deliciousness at the average of 3.58 and least mean of 2.79 was eating half-cooked food. Their body mass index are standard.
The analysis of relationship between consumption behavior and personal factors indicated that gender and living area were highly related to consumption behavior at 0.05 level of significance and health was not related to consumption behavior. Finally it was recommended that knowledge on food nutrition should be distributed though public media in order to promote nutritious-food for good health while r educing the consumption of those harmful food.

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How to Cite
เพ็ญพงษ์ ม. ศ. (2018). Food Consumption Behavior of Students in Suratthani Province. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 3(1), 109–126. retrieved from
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