Development of the Causal Model of Domain-Specific Satisfaction: An Application of the Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT)

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ชัยยุทธ กลีบบัว


There are many studies that have proposed models and theories that help in education and predict satisfaction in specific areas (such as job satisfaction). One of the theories that have been applied and covers the reasons for satisfying various aspects is the social cognitive career theory: SCCT. Therefore, in this research, the researcher applied the SCCT model to study, develop and examine causal models, factors related to specific aspects of satisfaction. Which the developed model consists of 3 latent variables, namely, specific satisfaction social support and resources And self-efficacy By analyzing from secondary data from the Learning Reform Evaluation Project of the Office of the National Education Commission, which collected data from teachers/professors in various educational institutions in Thailand in 2002, number 1,512 The results showed that the model was in harmony with the empirical data. The chi-square value was 24.520, df = 15, p = 0.057. The RMSEA value was 0.020. The RMR value was 0.003. To a 0.996, AGFI equal to 0.989 of its efficacies. And social support and resources have a direct influence on satisfaction in specific areas and social support and resources have an influence on be satisfied with specific aspects indirectly through self-efficacy.

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How to Cite
กลีบบัว ช. (2020). Development of the Causal Model of Domain-Specific Satisfaction: An Application of the Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT). Journal of Social Sciences in Measurement Evaluation Statistics and Research, 1(2), 20–32. Retrieved from
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