The Effect of Music Tempo on Risk Taking

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Kiattisak Jangcharoenjittkul
Monin Techawachirakul
Pinanong Thongsuk
Pipat Polvimoltham
Mathurin Varokorn
Anyawee Pimolkittirat
Ekkaluck Ngamsirijit


This experiment investigates the extent music tempo influences risk taking measured by the average number of pumps increasing the balloon size which did not explode in the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART). Data were collected from 110 undergraduates of Thammasat University. All participants completed three questionnaires of risk behaviors before the experiment session and then were exposed to three conditions of slow tempo music, fast tempo music and no music tempo, and were instructed to bump the balloons in response to what they heard. Participants pumped the balloons when hearing the various music tempos as well as when there was no sound of music. The results analyzed by One-way ANOVA show that the effect of music tempo is not significant. However, by Independent Factorial ANOVA analysis significant effect is found for risk taking. This implies the influence of risk behavior and not music tempo on risk taking.


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Jangcharoenjittkul, K., Techawachirakul, M., Thongsuk, P., Polvimoltham, P., Varokorn, M., Pimolkittirat , A., & Ngamsirijit, E. (2017). The Effect of Music Tempo on Risk Taking. Journal of Liberal Arts Thammasat University, 17(2), 20–34.
Research Articles


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