The Two-tiered Mind Model as a Theoretical Concept for Developing a Metatheory of the Psyche

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Pummarat Ridthikerd


In the current paper, the author proposes that the human mind can be categorized into two overarching levels–lower and higher levels of mind. At the lower level, the mind tends to have a strong propensity to be trapped in the inferiority-superiority mode of self-perception, as well as having a strong propensity to cling strongly to pleasure or happiness. Within the higher mind level, individuals may be able to transcend these two propensities. This proposed two-level model of the mind, which enjoins core concepts from a vast array of psychological theories, the author suggests, could be used for developing a metatheory of the psyche.


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Ridthikerd, P. (2024). The Two-tiered Mind Model as a Theoretical Concept for Developing a Metatheory of the Psyche. วารสารศิลปศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์, 24(3), 700–717. สืบค้น จาก


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