Achieving Sustainable Sport Tourism Management in Buriram, Thailand: Insights from GSTC and McKinsey 7S Frameworks

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Peeranthorn Puacharoen
Linjong Pocharee


This study explores the application of sport tourism theories, the McKinsey 7S Framework and the Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria (GSTC), to achieve sustainable sport tourism management practices in Buriram, Thailand. By employing qualitative methods, grounded theories and focus groups with eleven key informants, this research investigates multifaceted management practices driving Buriram's success. The results reveal how Buriram has uniquely balanced economic development, environmental responsibility and social well-being through a well-rounded approach that combines infrastructure development, cultural integration, and community engagement. The conclusion provides some practical recommendations for adopting a holistic management approach. This study serves as a valuable resource for developing successful initiatives in sustainable sport tourism. Moreover, the study results can be used as fundamental data by government or the private sector to make policies on practice or development of sport tourism that will create balance between the economy, the society and the environment.   



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Puacharoen, P., & Pocharee, L. (2024). Achieving Sustainable Sport Tourism Management in Buriram, Thailand: Insights from GSTC and McKinsey 7S Frameworks. วารสารศิลปศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์, 24(3), 574–599. สืบค้น จาก


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