The Translation of Movie Titles from English to Thai: A Cognitive Linguistics Approach

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Panitnan Iemtom
Unchalee Wongwattana


This research aimed to investigate translation strategies of movie titles from English to Thai by using a cognitive linguistic framework. The data were 215 pairs of original and translated movie titles in 2019 from “,” “,” and “Bangkok Critics Assembly” (Chomrom Wichan Banthoeng). The results reveal that overall the translators used three strategies, namely cognitive-language into a different cognitive-language, cognitive-language into the same cognitive-language and cognitive-language into sense. Other forms of translation were also discovered, including sense into cognitive-language and non-translation.


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How to Cite
Iemtom, P., & Wongwattana, U. (2023). The Translation of Movie Titles from English to Thai: A Cognitive Linguistics Approach. Journal of Liberal Arts Thammasat University, 23(1), 416–434.
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