
  • Phrakhrusuthi Kittibundit (Krisada Kittisobhano) Mahachulalongkornrajvidyalaya University
  • Phra Medhiwatcharaprachathon (Prayoon Nonthiyo) Mahachulalongkornrajavidhayalaya University
  • Phrakhrusangkharak Ekalak Achito Mahachulalongkornrajavidhayalaya University


Buddhist Property Management Office, Public Welfare Works, Thai Sangha


This research aimed to study the principles and methods of temple property management, develop a prototype for the Buddhist Property Management Office, and formulate policy recommendations. The study employed a Research and Development (R&D) methodology comprising seven stages, beginning with document analysis and in-depth expert interviews, followed by a survey of 500 monks and citizens, development of guidelines and prototypes through focus group discussions and pilot implementation in selected temples, and finally, policy recommendation formulation.

The findings revealed that: 1. Temple property management principles should integrate Buddhist teachings, legal frameworks, and modern management principles, with management methods divided into four main areas: financial and accounting management, land and building management, religious property management, and revenue and benefit management. 2. The development of the Buddhist Property Management Office prototype proposed establishing provincial-level agencies under the supervision of the Provincial Sangha Office, with internal operations divided into four main departments. 3. Policy recommendations were categorized into three areas: policies for the Sangha focusing on improving administrative structure and governance, policies for the government emphasizing legal reform and academic support, and policies for the public sector emphasizing community participation and constructive oversight. Implementation should be conducted systematically and adapted appropriately to each local context.


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How to Cite

(Krisada Kittisobhano), P. K., (Prayoon Nonthiyo), P. M., & Achito, P. E. (2025). GUIDELINES FOR ESTABLISHING A BUDDHIST PROPERTY MANAGEMENT OFFICE IN THAILAND. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 14(1), 136–154. retrieved from