Development, Operational Group Personnel, Effectiveness, Nawamin 9 HospitalAbstract
This research aimed to 1. to study the effectiveness of personnel development within the operational group of Nawamin 9 Hospital, 2. to examine factors affecting the effectiveness of personnel development, and 3. to explore approaches for improving personnel development at Nawamin 9 Hospital. This study employs a mixed-methodology research design, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The population consists of 768 operational personnel from Nawamin 9 Hospital, with a sample of 242 individuals selected through random sampling. Key informants include hospital executives, the Deputy Director of Human Resources, the Director of Personnel Administration, the Director of Personnel Systems, the Heads of Personnel Administration and Personnel Systems, and 12 operational personnel. Questionnaires were used to collect data, and statistical methods were applied for analysis.
Findings reveal that employees' perceptions of their quality of work life at Nawamin 9 Hospital in Bangkok are at a moderate level overall. When analyzed by specific aspects, all eight dimensions were rated at a moderate level. The dimensions, ranked from highest to lowest, are: organizational democracy, job significance to society, opportunities for personal capacity development, social integration or teamwork, safe and health-promoting working conditions, job security and career advancement, work-life balance, and fair and sufficient compensation. Analysis of the overall perceptions regarding the effectiveness of personnel development shows a high level of satisfaction, as indicated by mean and standard deviation analysis. Similarly, factors influencing the effectiveness of personnel development are also perceived at a high level.
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