Political Development Council, Political Participation, Disadvantaged GroupsAbstract
This research aims to: 1. Study the role and operations of the Political Development Council under the 2017 Constitution in promoting political participation of disadvantaged groups. 2. Analyze obstacles and challenges in political participation faced by disadvantaged groups including disabled people, elderly, low-income individuals, and minorities. 3. Propose guidelines for developing the Political Development Council's role in promoting political participation of disadvantaged groups. This qualitative research uses documentary research methodology, collecting data from primary and secondary sources with content analysis.
The research findings were found that 1. the Political Development Council's role was terminated by NCPO Order 71/2016, creating a gap in promoting participation of disadvantaged groups. Although the 2017 Constitution established rights protection foundations in Articles 27, 70, and 78, enforcement remains limited. 2. Key obstacles for disadvantaged groups, besides physical and information access barriers, include attitudinal problems where they feel their voices are unheard. Integration between agencies and local mechanisms remains inefficient. 3. Important development guidelines include: amending Election Law Articles 28 and 30 to increase accommodation measures, establishing representative quotas in committees, developing easily accessible communication channels, and establishing local participation promotion centers with effective monitoring systems. However, promoting political participation of disadvantaged groups still faces challenges in inter-agency integration, reaching remote areas, and resource limitations. This requires developing an ecosystem conducive to participation in terms of infrastructure, information, and participation mechanisms through cooperation from all sectors.
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