Volunteer Citizenship, Scout Activities, ParticipationAbstract
This academic article aims to present guidelines for developing volunteer citizenship through participatory scout activities by examining concepts, principles, and methods for youth development through scouting processes. The study finds that developing volunteer citizenship is a crucial process for social development, especially in an era facing various challenges and crises. Scout activities are designed to train youth in community service and other beneficial activities. Notably, participatory scout activities are considered an effective tool for youth development as they emphasize key principles of learning through practical experience, teamwork, and service to others. The development of volunteerism must be conducted systematically through three crucial processes: 1. developing knowledge and understanding of volunteerism and citizenship, 2. practicing through diverse and meaningful activities, and 3. building cooperative networks among homes, schools, and communities. Furthermore, the study reveals that organizing participatory scout activities should consider key components, including building internal motivation, developing teamwork skills, promoting creativity, and connecting activities to real-life situations. However, the development of volunteer citizenship faces several challenges, such as time and resource constraints, inequitable access to opportunities, and maintaining activity sustainability. Addressing these challenges requires developing appropriate support systems, building collaborative networks, and developing educational innovations that respond to Thai social contexts. This article presents guidelines for integrating participatory scout activities to develop volunteer citizenship through analysis of key components, activity guidelines, and development recommendations, which will benefit youth development and the creation of a strong and sustainable society.
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