Platform, Tool for Learning Assessment, Competency-Based LearningAbstract
This research article has the objective 1. design and develop a learning assessment tool platform for competency-based learning, and 2. experiment with the use of the platform. The sample consisted of two groups: 400 educators, including 300 from pilot schools in Pathum Thani Province and 100 from Rajabhat University, and five experts. Research instruments included: 1. the competency-based learning assessment platform, 2. a quality assessment form for the platform, 3. a satisfaction and opinion questionnaire, and 4. a platform efficiency evaluation form. Data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation.
The findings revealed that: 1. the learning assessment platform for competency-based education was successfully developed and made available at The platform comprised four key sections: 1. understanding assessment and evaluation for competency-based learning, 2. tools for assessment and evaluation, 3. additional learning resources, and 4. supplementary materials. The overall platform quality was rated at the highest level. 2. Educators expressed the highest levels of satisfaction and positive opinions toward the platform, while experts evaluated the platform’s efficiency at the highest level.
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