Future Skills, Teachers’ Competencies, Training CurriculumAbstract
This research aims to 1. examine the essential competencies required for teachers in facilitating future-oriented learning skills, 2. develop a training curriculum, 3. implement the training curriculum, 4. assess satisfaction with the curriculum, and 5. establish a network for teacher competency development in facilitating future-oriented learning skills. The study employs a mixed-methods approach. The target groups include: Phase 1 - 150 teachers; Phase 2 - 5 experts; Phase 3 - 50 teachers; and Phase 4 - 42 teachers. The tools used in the study are a training curriculum, curriculum manual, tests, teacher competency assessment forms, and satisfaction questionnaires. The statistical methods include percentage, mean, standard deviation, content analysis, and t-tests.
The findings revealed the following: The overall need for teacher competencies in facilitating future-oriented learning skills was at the highest level. The training curriculum for developing teacher competencies in future-oriented learning skills includes the curriculum's background, principles, objectives, content, structure (18 hours), training activities, materials, tools, and evaluation methods. The curriculum was deemed highly appropriate overall. Teachers' knowledge and understanding of facilitating future-oriented learning skills significantly improved after training, with a statistical significance level of .05. Teachers expressed high satisfaction with the training curriculum overall. The development of a network for enhancing teacher competencies in future-oriented learning skills demonstrated that teachers excelled in organizing learning activities and evaluating future-oriented learning outcomes at the highest level. Additionally, their competencies in designing and writing lesson plans and creating and using instructional media were at a high level. Teachers expressed the highest level of satisfaction. Moreover, the network facilitated awareness, communication through various channels, knowledge sharing, and the extension of learning opportunities.
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