Gay Retirees, Financial Sustainability, Counter Discourse, CapitalismAbstract
This research aims to explore the experiences of retired gay individuals in defining financial sustainability through their resistance to capitalist discourse. The study adopts a qualitative approach within a critical paradigm. Data were collected using narrative inquiry through semi-structured interviews. Participants were purposively selected through a gatekeeper and self-identified as gay, aged 65 and above, with the ability to articulate the concept of financial sustainability. A total of 15 participants were involved. Data analysis was conducted through thematic analysis, constructing narratives grounded in the theoretical framework of Michel Foucault’s concept of identity formation. This framework posits that identity is shaped by the power of knowledge operating through discursive practices, meaning that identity is forged through resistance to dominant discourses.
Research findings reveal that the meaning of financial sustainability, constructing through counter discourse to capitalism, has four key aspects: gay men with financial independence, gay men who establish themselves as the family's pillar, gay men with career choices of work, and gay men with interpersonal relationships at work.
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