
  • Kornrawee Thitiamornwit มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย


Buddhadhamma Integration, Community Enterprise Management, Local Hand-Woven Fabrics


Objectives of this research article were: 1. To study the management of community enterprises in the handwoven cloth group. 2. To study factors affecting the management of community enterprises in the hand-woven cloth group.
3. Top present the integration of Buddhist principles for the management of community enterprises in the local hand-woven cloth group. by the mixed research methods Data were collected from samples of 122 people and interviews with 18 key informants The research tools were questionnaires and in-depth-interview script using both descriptive and inferential data analysis.

The results of the research were found that: 1. Community enterprise management in Chiang Mai Province, by overall was at a high level. 2. Factors that affected the management of community enterprises in the hand-woven cloth group. was found that: 1. Management consists of money, people, materials and things. 2. The principles of Papanikadhamma consisted of Vithuro, good management, Nissayasampanno. had human relations, Chakkuma had vision, affecting the management of the community enterprise of the local handwoven cloth group in Chiang Mai Province with tatistically significant level at 0.05.
3. Integration of Buddhist principles for the management of community enterprises of the local hand-woven cloth group in Chiang Mai Province. was found that there were 6 aspects of management of the community enterprise of the local hand-woven cloth group in Chiang Mai Province by integrating the principles of Papanikadhamma. to promote the management of community enterprises in the local handwoven cloth group. Chakkuma aspect, having vision, Vithuro aspect, management aspect, Nissayasampanno aspect. human relations and use management principles as the basis for promoting the management of community enterprises in the local handwoven cloth group in Chiang Mai Province, including people, money, materials, and management.


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How to Cite

Thitiamornwit, K. (2024). BUDDHADHAMMA INTEGRATION FOR ADMINISTRATION OF NATIVE HAND-WOVEN CLOTH ENTERPRISES IN CHIANG MAI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 13(6), 170–182. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/280587