Development, Competency, Provincial Administrative OrganizationAbstract
Objectives of this dissertation were: 1. To study the personnel competency development of Pathumtani Provincial Administrative Organization, 2. To study the factors affecting the personnel competency development of Pathumtani Provincial Administrative Organization, 3. To propose the personnel competency development of Pathumtani Provincial Administrative Organization according to Buddhadhamma. The quantitative research conducted by studying 240 populations collected the data with 5 rating scale questionnaires that had a reliability value of 0.995. The data were analyzed with frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple regression. In the qualitative research, data were collected from 18 key informants through in-depth-interviewing and from 9 participants in focus group discussion. The data were analyzed by descriptive interpretation.
Findings were as follows: 1. the personnel competency development of the Pathumthani Provincial Administrative Organization was at a high level overall. 2. competency factors affected the personnel competency development of Pathumtani Provincial Administrative Organization in every aspect significantly at the 0.01 level and can together explant the variability at 74.8 per cent, therefore, accepted the 1st hypothesis. The 4 principles of Iddhipada affected the personnel competency development of Pathumtani Provincial Administrative Organization in every aspect significantly at the 0.01 level and can together explain the variability at 79 per cent therefore, accepted the 2nd hypothesis. 3. The personnel competency development of Pathumtani Provincial Administrative Organization according to Buddhadhamma found that the result was an integration of competency factors with the 4 principles of Iddhipada including 1. achievement-oriented aspect, the work achieved the goals in the specified period, 2. adhering to correctness aspect, the personnel adhered to the ethical principles, 3. understanding of organizational systems and work systems aspect, there was creating the atmosphere suitable for developing expertise in the organization's work, 4. excellent service aspect, there was an academic service to the public, 5. Teamwork aspect, There was constructive facilitation for all sectors.
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