Buddhist Arts Therapy, Principles of Living, Phra Borommathat Doi SuthepAbstract
Objectives of this research article were 1. To study the community context, monasteries and cultural capital that appeared in Doi Suthep Community, Mueang District, Chiang Mai Province. 2. To analyze the Buddhist arts works in Doi Suthep Community, Mueang District, Chiang Mai Province. 3. To create jobs about Lanna Sacred Offerings through Buddhist Arts Therapy, at Ban Doi Suthep Community, Mueang District, Chiang Mai Province. This was a qualitative study along with interviews with 12 key informants, selected from those who lived in the community itself.
The results of the research were found that 1. Community context, monasteries, Buddhist arts and cultural capital that appeared in the Doi Suthep community, Mueang District, Chiang Mai Province, the research area was at the Village No. 9, Ban Doi Suthep, a Doi Suthep Plaza community. The name Doi Suthep was inspired by Rishi Vasuthep.by the name of Sutheva, directly to the name Suthep, the origin of the name Suthep. At present, It is a community that has developed the creation of arts in the field of arts therapy related to sacred offerings to worship the Phra Borommathat Doi Suthep. 2. Analysis of Buddhist arts works in the Doi Suthep community. Sacred offerings are very important in religious ceremony that are highly regarded in Buddhist ceremonies that created virtual meaning, incorporated ethics, and must be meticulously crafted. Lanna’s most widely known sacred offerings to Phra Borommathat Suthep included the Ton Dog, flower tree. 3. Creating Lanna sacred offerings through Buddhist healing arts at Ban Doi Suthep Community, Mueang District, Chiang Mai Province, consisted of 1. the creative process of managing gestures, arranging equipment, and selecting various materials that were appropriate and neat. 2. Design was a creative skill, and human emotion. 3. Pattern laying involved creating simple and beautiful patterns in the local Lanna style. 4. Forming involved arranging each piece according to an artificial pattern. 5. Decorating involved using flowers that are easily found in the local area, and flowering seasonally.
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