กรณีศึกษาเปรียบเทียบมาตรการทางกฎหมายในการควบคุมมาตรฐาน การผลิตไวน์ในราชอาณาจักรไทยกับต่างประเทศ


  • Chudet Phanthawi Western University
  • Radchada Lurang Western University


Legal Measures, Wine, Standard Control


Objectives of this research article were: 1. To study the background, concepts and theories related to the legal measures for controlling the wine production standards in the Kingdom of Thailand and abroad, 2. To study the problems, facts and legal issues concerning the legal measures for controlling the wine production standards in the Kingdom of Thailand and how they should be solved. 3. To study and recommend legal measures to control wine production standards in foreign countries that were appropriate. to be adapted to Thai law to achieve efficiency comparable to other civilized countries The method of conducting this research was the qualitative research by document research and questioning from the sampled population. by conducting in-depth interviews with a sample of the population who were government agency. related staff, private sectors, academicians and wine experts (Sommelier) to obtain primary data (Primary Data), both theoretical and practical, as well as preliminary statistical analysis based on data obtained from the survey, analyzed and drew conclusions about research studies.

The results of the research revealed that the domestic wine production of the Kingdom of Thailand did not meet international standards. The wine production in the Kingdom of Thailand did not have a specific law and there was no clear standard setting agency for wine production in the Kingdom. Thailand did not have indication of the quality of the wines, so it did not meet international standards as well as wines produced in foreign countries.


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How to Cite

Phanthawi, C., & Lurang, R. (2024). กรณีศึกษาเปรียบเทียบมาตรการทางกฎหมายในการควบคุมมาตรฐาน การผลิตไวน์ในราชอาณาจักรไทยกับต่างประเทศ. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 13(5), 435–446. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/270810