Development of Calculation Programs, Grade Point Average Value, Bachelor of Industrial Education Program, Self-Study PlanningAbstract
Objectives of this research article were: 1. To develop a program to calculate the average grade level. Bachelor of Industrial Education Program (Improved curriculum 2016-2017) and 2. To evaluate satisfaction with the use of the program to calculate average grades from students of each program. This research was quantitative research with the population who were students of the Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology (B.A.) in 5 programs, total population were 1,232 people. This research had the sample group consisted of 300 4th and 5th year students in the 5 Bachelor of Industrial Education programs using Cluster Sampling and Simple Random Sampling, and the tools used in the research were 1. Excel program for calculating grade point averages 2. Satisfaction assessment using online grade point average calculating program and analyzed the data with statistics, frequency, mean, and standard deviation.
The findings revealed that: 1. Development of a program to calculate the grade point average Bachelor of Industrial Education Program (Curriculum revised 2016-2017), was found that the Microsoft Excel program for calculating the grade point average of each course was accurate and consistent with the actual score of the Registrar and processed. This was in line with the institutional regulations on undergraduate education B.E. 2564. 2. Assessment of satisfaction: the program calculated the average grade from students of each program was found that the level of satisfaction was high because it was easy to use. There was a clear warning that could change the expected score to calculate the new cumulative grade point average immediately. Users could use this program to plan their own studies throughout the course from the start of study until graduation in terms of calculating the regional average score, cumulative grade point average, registration, adding, changing, withdrawing from courses, planning for honors grades. Moreover, this program could be used as a model for other courses to calculate the grade point average.
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