Curriculum Evaluation, Stake’s Evaluation Model, Secondary SchoolAbstract
Objectives of this research article were to evaluate Thai language, Culture and History Curriculum for Lower Secondary Level at Chiang Mai International School using Stake’s evaluation model in three aspects: antecedent, transaction and outcomes. Data were obtained through 88 students, 32 parents, 7 instructors, 3 administrative board of school and 5 curriculum experts. The data were gathered by using 1. the satisfaction form of the student and parents 2. the student attitude form 3. the data collection form and 4. The evaluative curriculum form were divided into five rating scales, namely the most appropriate (4.51-5.00), more appropriate (3.51-4.50), fairy appropriate (2.51-3.50), poor appropriate (1.51-2.50), very poor appropriate (1.00-1.50). Which accepting the criteria observation score of the assessment at an average of 3.51 or 60 percent (%).
The results revealed that: the stage of antecedents obtained the criteria at a percentage of 60(%) which meant that overall evaluation met the criteria. The stage of transaction, in the category, it got more appropriate level of the Mean (4.13) which meant that the process of implementing had been more appropriate with the standards of the leaning process in the Minister of Education, and at the stage of outcomes showed that students who got academic achievement of the scores above 80 percent in the stage of percentages at 94.29 which interpreted in accordance with the excellent level. Anyway, both student’s attitude, got moderate. And the satisfaction of the students and parents, it got moderate level which meant that their satisfaction had failed to meet the criteria.
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