Guidelines, Creating Financial Stability, RetirementAbstract
Objectives of this research article were: 1. To study the policy for creatingfinancial stability after the work retirement of Thai people, 2. To study factors affecting the creation of financial stability after the retirement of Thai people, and 3. To study the guidelines for creating financial stability after the work retirement of Thai people building financial security after the Retirement of Thai People The research tool was an interview form in which the researcher conducted an in-depth interview and content analysis. The sample used in the research was 400 people aged between 30-65 years living in Bangkok and its vicinity. The research tool was a questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, and mean. and standard deviation.
The research results revealed that 1. The policy to create financial stability was a government policy with the discontinuity of the policy resulting in policy changes all the time; 2. Factors affecting the creation of financial stability were: Public administration (welfare) health, society, economy, housing and environment, and management innovation 3. Most people had a way to create financial stability, had a financial retirement plan, had credit management for consumption, risk management, insurance, personal income tax planning, and financial freedom, which aligned with quantitative research that found that the overall financial security after retirement was at a high level on all as.
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