Professional Learning Community, Performance Standards of Teachers, Analyze the ElementsAbstract
Objectives of this research were: 1. To study the operational level of the elements of the Professional Learning Community (PLC) of teachers in secondary schools; 2. To study the level of performance according to the performance standards of the teachers in secondary schools; 3. To analyze the elements of the Professional Learning Community (PLC) of teachers affecting the performance according to the performance standards of teachers in secondary schools. It was quantitative research for which the population was composed of 11 schools, as winners of the Gold Medals and Gold Runner-Up Medals for Excellent Academic Institutions under the supervision of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, promoting the use of PLC in the national competition. The informants were 665 school teachers. The research tools were questionnaires in form of rating scales. Data were analyzed by means of Enter Multiple Regression Analysis to study the coefficient of determination and the multiple regression coefficients of each predictor variable and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis to select the predictor variables that cooperatively affected the teacher performance and explained the predictive ability of each equation.
The results showed that the element of the Professional Learning Community (PLC) of teachers in secondary schools with the highest operational level was the 5 th Element: Caring Community. The highest level of performance of the secondary school teachers was the 1 st aspect: the performance of duties. The elements of the Professional Learning Community (PLC) of teachers affecting the performance of the teachers in secondary schools were respectively the 6 th Element: Supportive Structure.
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