Internal Corporate Governance Mechanisms, Financial Performance, Food and Beverage CompaniesAbstract
The purpose of this research were to examine the effects of Internal corporate governance mechanisms and financial performance of the food and beverage companies listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand by collecting data from the annual reports (Form 56-1 and Form 56-2) of 46 the food and beverage companies listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand from 2017 to 2020 was used to collect data from 170 datasets.The statistics used for analyzing the collected data were multiple regression analysis.
Results revealed that: 1. Internal corporate governance mechanisms in the aspects of board independence, board meetings and women on board had positive effects on financial performance in the aspects of return on asset (ROA) of the food and beverage companies listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand
2. Internal corporate governance mechanisms in the aspects of board size, board independence, board meetings and women on board no effects on financial performance in the aspects of return on equity (ROE) of the food and beverage companies listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand and 3. Internal corporate governance mechanisms in the aspects of board size, board independence, board meetings and women on board had positive effects on financial performance in the aspects of net profit margin (NPM) of the food and beverage companies listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
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