
  • Parisa Chindaluang Maejo University
  • Chaiyot Sumritsakun Maejo University
  • Arunee Yodbutr Maejo University
  • Thatphong Awirothananon Maejo University


Lean Accounting, Sustainability, Stock Exchange


Lean accounting has key factors that determine the success of Lean concepts: Executive leadership; Financial management of a business corporate culture and Lean expertise, Strategic cost management in the value chain in lean accounting and target costing. Lean accounting consists of elements such as analysis and measurement, bookkeeping and financial information reporting, accounting information system characteristics and accounting information transparency. This has the benefit of reducing costs by eliminating waste leading to competitiveness due to the reduction of capital in time and various waste materials in the organization. As a result, the efficiency of the accounting process is increased. Lean accounting was also found to increase efficiency in accounting processes and sustainability was in line with situational management theory. The strategy that leads to sustainability is a strategy that applies lean concepts in three areas: economic, social and environmental. Moreover, there is a positive correlation between sustainability and financial performance, Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility Leads to Sustainable Profitability which makes the company using lean accounting to be sustainable, transparent and economical in accounting.


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How to Cite

Chindaluang, P., Sumritsakun, C., Yodbutr, A., & Awirothananon, T. (2024). A GUIDELINE IN DOING LEAN ACCOUNTING FOR SUSTAINABILITY OF LISTED COMPANIES IN THE STOCK EXCHANGE OF THAILAND. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 13(3), 380–391. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/266882