
  • Masmolee Jitwiriyatham Mahidol University
  • Kanyaphak Ngerninta Mahidol University
  • Santhad Chanthathong Mahidol University


Perception, Buddhist Organization Culture, Golden Jubilee Medical Center


This research article had two objectives, namely, 1. To know the current reality level of awareness of Buddhist organization culture of personnel in The Golden Jubilee Medical Center Mahidol University; 2. To know the guidelines for determining activities to promote the first strategy “Service with human heart” based on organization culture, conducted with the survey research ‘Cross- Sectional Survey’, with the conceptual framework of organizational culture, Mahidol University, M A H I D O L amount 7, 23 elements, adapted from Buddhist culture. The opinionnaire of 50 items as a tool for research. The population were staff of Golden Jubilee Medical Center, there were 594 people. Only complete questionnaires, totalling 319 items (53.70%).

The research findings were: 1. The level of awareness of Buddhist organizational culture was found that most of the personnel had a high level of awareness respectively, as follows: Determination was at 70%, Originality 69.5% Integrity 69.25%. Altruism 69%. Harmony 68.775%. Mastery 67.25%. Leadership 66.25%. 2. The guidelines for defining strategic promotion activities service with the human heart were found that; The first necessary was to cultivate mind’s happiness for service providers by promoting equality. The personnel who fell honored and proud to be a part of driving the organization. They loved and engaged in the organization. Thus, the organizational culture fulfilling was not difficult. The strong organizational culture would come back to loving and harmony of them in order to be strong and sustainable organization.


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How to Cite

Jitwiriyatham, M., Ngerninta, K., & Chanthathong, S. (2024). THE PERCEPTION OF BUDDHIST ORGANIZATION CULTURE IN GOLDEN JUBILEE MEDICAL CENTER. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 13(1), 217–228. retrieved from