
  • Patthama Thongkhoa Saint John’s University
  • Pimprapa Amornkitpinyo Saint John’s University
  • Taneenart Na Soontorn Saint John’s University


A Training Program Development, Student Leadership, Local Administration Schools


This experimental research aimed: 1. To develop student leadership training program; 2. To test the pilot student leadership training program; and 3. To revise student leadership training program of schools under Pathum Thani Local Administrative Organization, conducted by the experimental research. Samples were grade 4-5 students from Wat Pa New School, aged between 10-11 years old. Research tools included interview form, observation form, program evaluation form. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, namely frequency; percentage; average; Standard Deviation; and t-test.

The results revealed that 1. there were 6 components for student leadership training program: 1) being an exemplar; 2) being duty responsible; 3) being expressive; 4) working in a team; 5) being sympathetic to others; and 6) self-volunteering. There were 4 modules, namely 1). being exemplar and duty responsible; 2). being expressive; 3). working in a team; and 4). being sympathetic to others and self-volunteering. 2. Program pilot results revealed that: 1) post training program of overall students’ leadership was higher when statistical significance was set at 05. 2) program evaluation results of students’ leadership were at “agree” level. 3) Program revision in module 2 included content; period; and lamguage language.


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How to Cite

Thongkhoa, P., Amornkitpinyo, P., & Na Soontorn, T. (2024). A TRAINING PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT ON STUDENT LEADERSHIP FOR LOCALADMINISTRATION SCHOOLS IN PATHUMTHANI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 13(1), 13–23. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/266110