Development Mechanism, Social Networks, SanghaAbstract
This research article aimed to study general conditions, study results and expectations and to present a mechanism for developing social networks for the administration of the Sangha, conducted with the mixed research methods of 3 types of research: documentary research; qualitative research and action research.
The results of the research revealed that 1. The existing social network of the Sangha consisted of lay people, Buddhists, government agencies, private organizations, and the Sangha network among themselves. All networks work together to support and patronize each other according to their faith. They focused on telling each other verbally, invited each other by word of mouth. As a result, there was little network development. 2. Most networks were not as successful as they should be. Not all monasteries made good use of social networks. The expectation from social networks was that networks should discuss the matters and work together as teams. 3. Mechanisms for social network development for strong sangha governance in Thai society starting with a team of researchers took a role in promoting social networks, consisting of provincial Administrative Monks, Provincial Buddhism Office and the Provincial Justice Office to play a consultative role encouraging education about the law to the target group that was monks and novices in the area to reduce the problem of offenses committed by monks and novices in the area and to be able to control monks and novices to be in the discipline and policies of the Administrative monks. As a result, the Sangha was strong and sustainable in government.
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