Synthesis, Law, SanghaAbstract
Objectives of this research article were to explore and collect laws, to study the legal situation and ways to solve legal problems. and to propose the Sangha Law for the Sangha Administration strength in modern times, conducted with the mixed research methods; documentary research; qualitative research and action research.
The results of the research revealed that 1. Laws relating to the administration of the Sangha at present are divided into 2 parts: the first part is the law directly related to the administration of the Sangha, such as the Sangha Act, the Ministerial Regulations, the Sangha Sangha Rules, etc. The second part It is part of the law of the Sangha concerning the administrative monks as the rulers of the Sangha, such as the rules of Sangha Supreme Council, the regulations of Sangha Supreme Council including Dhamma and Vinaya, etc. 2. Conditions of law and guidelines for solving problems were conditions that were both conducive and not conducive to the administration of the Sangha that were needed to be revised 3. Sangha law for strong Sangha administration, namely the update of the Sangha Act and in line with the current situation through a public hearing, development of knowledge of the monks by establishing a college of monks and the Sangha continually supervises and monitors the results of the law being enforced on monks and novices.
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