
  • Nanthasiri Thongburanasiri Western University
  • Pichaya U-Thairatana ‬‬‬‬‬ Western University


Type, Management, Business Model, Resort


The main objectives of this research were: 1.To study management models and factors affecting resort businesses in Kanchanaburi Province; 2.To develop a management model for resort businesses in Kanchanaburi Province; and 3. To propose the management model for resort businesses in Kanchanaburi Province, conducted by the qualitative research method, based on the business management model approach. Data were collected through an in-depth interviewing 19 key informants.

The research results showed that: For the management model, it was advisable to expand a variety of customer groups. The service values should be modern, clean, and hygienic. The entrepreneurs should advertise resorts through all online media. To maintain customer relations, the entrepreneurs should quickly respond to customer needs and problems. The accommodation price and deposit should be reasonable and affordable. The businesses should have the cost to maintain and keep the premise clean, hygienic, modern, and safe. The main resources should include comprehensive facilities and the main activities should include fitness, swimming pool, shop, and laundry services. For the main collaboration, the entrepreneurs should have alliances with the same standard services in a fully booked case. Regarding the factors affecting resort businesses in Kanchanaburi Province, internal environment factors include personnel, management approach, and location. The external environment factors include economy, politics, society, and business partners. The entrepreneur’s attributes comprise intention and venture, suitable selection of approach, availability of experts, and readiness in responsiveness to situations.


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How to Cite

Thongburanasiri, N., & U-Thairatana ‬‬‬‬‬, P. (2023). BUSINESS MANAGEMENT MODEL FOR RESORTS IN KANCHANABURI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 12(6), 217–231. Retrieved from