
  • Natnicha Chotpittayanon Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University


Development, Community Enterprises, Tourism Community, Inno-life, Quality of Life


The objectives of this research article were: 1. To investigate the development level of OTOP Inno-life tourism community enterprises in Udon Thani and scrutinize membership participation, good management, production of goods and services, and integrated marketing of these community enterprises. 2. To study the causal factors influencing the development of these community enterprises., and 3. To create a guideline for OTOP Inno-life tourism community enterprise development which can further enhance the local quality of life, conducted with the mixed research methods. The quantitative method collected data from 360 samples and analyzed by descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling (SEM). The results showed that: 1. The OTOP Inno-life tourism community enterprises were rated at a high level. Moreover, 2) the analysis of Pearson’s correlation coefficient suggested that all pairs of the variables moved in the same direction, showing a positive relationship between 0.092 - 0.613 the most correlated pair contained ‘quality of goods and services’ and ‘number of tourists. According to the SEM analysis ‘good governance’ and ‘well-crafted goods and services’ influenced the development of community enterprises the most. (Chi-square = 205.49, df = 104, p-value = 0.06002, RMSEA = 0.042, RMR = 0.02, GFI = 0.94, AGFI = 0.91, CFI = 0.98, PGFI = 0.66, NFI = 0.96).  And 3. The development approach has been proposed with the conceptual model of the development of OTOP Inno-life tourism community enterprises for people’quality of life enhancement.


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How to Cite

Chotpittayanon, N. (2023). THE DEVELOPMENT OF OTOP INNO-LIFE TOURISM COMMUNITY ENTERPRISES FOR ENHANCING QUALITY OF LIFE. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 12(2), R14-R27. Retrieved from