Buddhist Principles, Political Participation, Application, Ang Thong ProvinceAbstract
This research aimed to study 1. The people’s political participation at local level 2. The factors affecting the promotion of local political participation of people, and 3. Propose the application of Buddhist principles to promote the local political participation of people in Ang Thong Province, conducted with the mixed research methods. The qualitative research, Data were collected by in-depth interviewing 20 key. The samples included 400 people
The research findings were as follows: 1. The local political participation of the people in Ang Thong Province as a whole was at very high level (= 4.12). When considered on a per-side basis, sorted by average, namely, electoral aspects were at the highest level, the first level (= 4.49), followed by community roles (= 4.30) was at the highest level, in terms of government contact (=4.18) and political communication (= 3.58) were at very high level. 2. Factors supporting political participation did not affect the local political participation of the people in Ang Thong Province. The Apparihăniyadhamma, the principles leading to only development, affected the local political participation of the people in Ang Thong Province at statistically significant level of 0.01. 3. Proposal of Buddhist principles to promote local political participation of the people in Ang Thong Province. Classified by side
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