Public Policy, Death, Death ManagementAbstract
Objectives of this research article were: 1. To study Thai public policy related to death 2. To study death in dimensions related to public policy formulation and 3. To suggest guidelines for determining public policy related to death management. It was qualitative research which was document research.
The research results were found that the state had established public policies related to the management of death patterns, civil registration, post-death rituals, the deceased’s body, property or various benefits at many levels, from the form of relevant acts to the implementation of various projects of local agencies. But public policy still does not cover the management of information after death. Population structure change, decentralization and participation of local communities, The focus on environmental stewardship was an environment that made death management more relevant to public policy. The research proposed that the government had a specific policy to create understanding among the people about good death and the development of a strong palliative care system at all levels. Including supporting the role of community networks to participate in systematic death management. Promote environmental consideration in funeral arrangements. And legal protection should also be extended to online information of dead people.
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