Local Political Family, Dynamics of Political Power, Political Power Maintaining, Authoritarianism, Chonburi ProvinceAbstract
Objectives of this research article were: 1. To study the dynamics of political power and 2. To study the forms and methods for maintaining political power of local political families in Chonburi Province, from the 2014 coup until the 2021 local elections, conducted by the qualitative research, collected data by studying documents and in-depth interviewing 15 key informants, analyzed by content analysis and presented by descriptive interpretation.
The research results were found that after the 2014 coup de tat’, Khun Pleum family lost national political power and the power to govern Pattaya, but still maintained the power of governing the Provincial Administrative Organization and Saen Suk Municipality. In the 2019 general election, the Khun Pleum family negotiated with the military government to join the Phalang Pracharat Party to restore power. But the indirect effect was that it created two groups that challenged power: 1. Political groups in the Kaew Klai Party network (formerly Future Forward Party) 2. Mr. Suchart Chomklin’s political group. These two groups became competitors in the 2020-2021 local elections. However, the Khun Pleum family was able to maintain local political power in their own areas. Political groups in the Kaew Klai Party network were unable to penetrate their power base. As for Mr. Suchat Chomklin’s political group was able to intervene to some extent. Methods for maintaining power of the Khun Pluem family were divided into 2 forms: 1. Maintaining power at the national level by changing political positions to join the government. 2. Maintaining power at the local level through the allocation of benefits within the network of big houses in Chonburi. and the use of local patronage networks.
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