
  • Jatuporn Chanphet Ramkhamhaeng University
  • Pisanu Rienmahasarn Ramkhamhaeng University
  • Boonchob Poompaichit Ramkhamhaeng University


East-West Economic Corridor, Upgrading, Competitive Potential, Performance, Thai SMEs Transportation


The objectives of this research article were to: 1. To study the factors and components of competitiveness affecting the performance of SMEs transport business on the East-West Economic Corridor route and 2. To study the level of adjustment of the operations of the transportation business group on the East-West Economic Corridor route. It mixed research. By quantitative research using questionnaires. The quality of the content integrity (IOC) was between 0.30 -1.00, the confidence value of the whole copy was 0.914 and the KMO value was 0.79. The data of 150 transport operators in the lower northern region. Were collected by the multistage sampling method. Section data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. PLS-SEM structural equation analysis and qualitative research Use an in-depth interview method. SMEs transport operators.

The results of the research found that 1. The components of competitiveness affecting the transportation business are business size, time, cost, service quality, policies of neighboring countries, government policy domestic, and competition customer pressure. This affects the adjustment of the transportation business in the awareness stage, the interesting stage, and the trial stage, and affects the transportation business results such as revenue, profit, market share, and increased efficiency. 2. The transportation business group on the East-West Economic Corridor route. Regarding the adjustment of operations of the transport business group, it was found that entrepreneurs have adjusted their interest in expanding their own transport business routes. Entrepreneurs have adapted. Realizing that transportation along the East-West Economic Corridor It has a positive effect on the transportation business.


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How to Cite

Chanphet, J., Rienmahasarn, P., & Poompaichit, B. (2024). THE EFFECTS OF THE EAST-WEST ECONOMIC CORRIDOR ON THE COMPETITIVENESS ENHANCEMENT OF THAI SMEs IN THE LOGISTICS BUSINESS. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 13(3), 68–80. retrieved from