Marketing Strategy, Consumption Behavior, Gas Station, SatisfactionAbstract
Objectives of this research article aimed: 1. To study direxct influence of the marketing strategies affected the satisfaction and service usage behavior at a shell service station at Na Kae District, Nakornpanom Province, 2. To study indirect influence of the market strategy that affected the service usage behavior through satisfaction. The sample group in this research were 400 customers who used the service at a Shell gas stations, Na Kae District, Nakornpanom Province The researcher collected data by accidental selection and the research tool was a questionnaire. The data were analyzed by mean, percentage, standard deviation and structural equation model analysis.
The results showed that 1. The Marketing strategies affected the service usage behavior at the shell service station were consisted of marketing mix and satisfaction, and 2. Consumer behavior. The direxct and indirect influences were found that marketing mix and satisfaction factors had direct influence on the service usage behavior at the shell service station at Na Kae District with the Path Coeffiennt value at 0.924 and 0.353 accordingly and the marketing mix factor had indirect influence through satisfaction with the Path Coefficient value at 0.571.
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