Integration, Iddhipada 4, Managing, Circular economyAbstract
This research article aims to 1. study the management of the circular economy system, 2. study the factors affecting the management of the circular economy system, and 3. present an approach to integrate Buddhist principles in the management using the circular economy system. for sustainable development of public companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand It is an integrated research method. Quantitative research using questionnaires. Data were collected from 284 samples. Data were analyzed using statistics, namely multiple regression analysis. and qualitative research In-depth interviews were used with 19 key informants or people using purposive random sampling. Descriptive content data analysis and a focus group discussion of 9 people to confirm the model from the synthesis.
The results showed that The results showed that 1. Management using the circular economy system for sustainable development Overall, the average level was at a medium level. 2. Factors affecting management found that the management process Improvement Operations according to plans and audits Affecting the management using the circular economy system at the statistical significance level of 0.01. 3. Integration of Buddhist principles in management the administrative process consists of 4 principles, namely good planning, action, monitoring, and responding to everyone's needs, and integrating with the practice of dharma, namely, the practice of Iddhipada 4, consisting of 4 principles: inviting faith, perseverance, sustainable learning, and Revive, review, lead to management, consisting of 4 The principle is to select materials, focus on product design. Drive innovation, bring standards, be able to sustain the circular economy in the organization for a long time. and there is a balance between the profit of the organization Employees understand and take care of the environment
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