Administration, Mastery learning, The ElderlyAbstract
Objectives of this research article aimed to develop a Health Literacy management Model for the elderly, conducted by the research and development using experimental research methods. The sample group was 30 elderly people in Roman Catholicism who attended religious ceremonies at Holy Redeemer Church. The tools used were an interview form, a health literacy assessment form, Attitudes towards Health Literacy Activities form, Health Literacy Activity Assessment form. Data were analyzed by finding percentages, averages, etc. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency values, percentage values, etc.
The results of the study revealed that there were 6 components: access to health and wellness information, health cognition, communication skills, decision-making skills, self-management skills, self-care, and media literacy skills. An experiment with the format was as follows. 1) The average health literacy scores after participating in the activity were higher than before in all aspects differed statistically at the .01 level. 2) The mean score of attitudes after the activity higher than before performing activities in all aspects, differed statistically significant level at 0.01 3) The results of the assessment of the appropriateness of health literacy activities for the elderly, by overall, was at the highest level. (the mean was 4.90, standard deviation was 0.32
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